He Said Beer, She Said Wine 03-03-14 | (4) | 1 val. | 1 com. | 3250 vis. | 1 img. He Said Beer, She Said Wine is the first fully illustrated book on the market to give in-depth instruction on how to successfully pair both beer and wine with a wide variety of foods.Co-authored by Marnie Old, an esteemed sommelier, and Sam Calagione, owner ... Añade un Comentario o Imagen
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How to Brew. Libro sobre todo lo que necesitas para elaborar cerveza correctamente por primera vez.
Presentado en un estilo desenfadadao, este libro introduce la elaboración de cerveza paso a paso y cubriendo ...
Scottish and Irish Ale. Estilo de CervezaCategoría BJCP: 9 Scottish and Irish AleEngloba los siguientes subestilos:9A Scottish Light 60/9B Scottish Heavy 70/9C Scottish Export 80/9D Irish Red Ale9E Strong Scotch Ale