Christmas Beer: The Cheeriest, Tastiest, and Most Unusual Holiday Brews 03-03-14 | (4.5) | 1 val. | 1 com. | 2331 vis. | 1 img. Christmas beers, also known as Winter Warmers, are a tradition dating back at least 2,000 years, with the ancients making highly intoxicating brews to celebrate winter’s Saturnalia. This brewmaking evolved into a holiday celebration when medieval monks, ... Añade un Comentario o Imagen
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Brew: Fabrica tu propia cerveza. Con este libro te darás cuenta de lo fácil que resulta fabricar una cerveza extraordinaria en tu propia casa: tu vida cambiará para siempre.
Ese leve sonido del gas cuando abres ...
Scottish and Irish Ale. Estilo de CervezaCategoría BJCP: 9 Scottish and Irish AleEngloba los siguientes subestilos:9A Scottish Light 60/9B Scottish Heavy 70/9C Scottish Export 80/9D Irish Red Ale9E Strong Scotch Ale