Stone IPA
By definition, an India pale ale is hoppier and higher in alcohol than its little brother, pale ale—and we deliver in spades. One of the most well-respected and best-selling IPAs in the country, this golden beauty explodes with tropical, citrusy, piney hop flavors and aromas, all perfectly balanced by a subtle malt character. This crisp, extra hoppy brew is hugely refreshing on a hot day, but will always deliver no matter when you choose to drink it.
Olañeta IPA Dry Hopping
Gipuzkoa American IPA.
Con copos de avena.
Microbombolla Citröhan nº1
American India Pale Ale
Aigua: Aigua mineral del Montseny
Malta: Pilsner, Blat, Sègol laminat
Llúpol: Amarillo US [DRY], Pacific Gem NZ
Llevat US-05
Irish Mosh
Fab: 2016/12/18
Emb: 2017/01/03
Pref: 2018/01/03
153 ampolles