Spunk Porter
Vic Ale Choc Infested Porter
Once Bitten, Forever Smitten
Cervesa negre lleugera. Sorprenent combinació de gustos i aromes cítrics i afruitats provinents dels llúpols amb les maltes i el cacao.
Cerveza negra ligera. Sorprendente combinación de sabores y aromas cítricos y afrutados provenientes de los lúpulos con las maltas y el cacao.
Whether Poorter was or wasn’t born in the lowlands, when conceiving ours we wanted a robust poorter with an edge. The addition of both vanilla and licorice (a long favoured flavour in the lowlands) creates something smooth, bold and unapologetically dutch.
Brewed with:
Vanilla.Robust poorters can be a little dry so we use vanilla to add valuable sweetness. It works in harmony with the sharp bitterness of black malt.
Licorice. Brewing with licorice root brings a unique earthy depth and sweetness to our poorter which is typically dutch