Hop-15 Ale
Double IPA
Our seasonal, award-winning Double IPA with a huge hop flavor.
With more citrus character than a farmer’s market, Hop-15 is bursting with notes of tropical and stone fruits. Bolstered by a spicy hop finish, this Imperial IPA has always wowed the crowd and judges alike.
Winner of two silvers at the Great American Beer Festival as well as many other awards, Hop-15 remains one of our most sought after beers.
Elaborada por primera vez en 2002 para celebrar el 15 aniversario del establecimiento Port Pizza de Solana Beach, California. Se búscaron y combinaron nuestros 15 favoritos lúpulos que se añadieron cada 15 minutos a la cocción. Algo más oscura que otras doble IPA, nuestra cerveza rezuma lúpulo bondadoso de agujas de pino, cítricos recién exprimidos y especias que son sólo moderadamente atemperadas por un acabado de malta dulce. Afortunadamente, para todos nosotros los lúpuloadictos, hemos decidido preparar esta cerveza más de una vez al año.
Ballast Point Dorado
Double India Pale Ale
Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA
India Pale Ale
Imperial IPA
Why are Miracle Mike and his dog, Bionic, being chased by many evil laser beam shooting cupackes and two giant layer cake mother ships? Because we’re straight up lunatic fools? Well, maybe, but with a few brain cells remaining we managed to craft Space Cake double IPA, utilizing citrusy Mosaic hops and an immaculate West Coast style malt backbone. Dude… chill out. Enjoy some Space Cake.