De Dolle Dulle Teve - 10º (Mad Bitch)
De Dulle Teve is brewed in the tradition of a Belgian Triple. Its high density stems from large amounts of pale malt increased with pale candi sugar in the brew kettle. Unfiltered, unpasteurized, bottle-conditioned.
De Dulle Teve keeps two to three years without major changes in taste. Further maturing, up to 10 years, will cause it to darken a little and lose some of its bitterness. The bittering of about 30 IBU is due to Goldings hops in the brew kettle.
Dulle Teve significa Perra Loca, pero al gobierno de EE.UU. no le gusta el nombre, por lo que la denomina TRIPEL. No está pensada para el envejecimiento. Aunque algunos cerveceros lo hacen. Con el tiempo, se pierde el amargor y de guardarla, se recomienda en una habitación fría y oscura
De Molen Heen & Weer
Color ámbar. Espuma abundante. Aroma a fruta, malta, coriandro. Final seco.
BIIR / Edge Brewing Triple Virgin Cherries
We jumped at the chance to do a collaboration with our Belgian brewmaster friend Gunther Bensch, from BIIR. This one combines our fruity sense of humor with his fruit beer-brewing know-how.
Late Spring brings the first of the seasonal crop of cherries to Barcelona. So we heaped kilos of this seductive fruit into a strong Belgian beer. The result is a gorgeous balance of sweet and sour cherries.