Punk IPA
Punk IPA is the beer that kick-started it. This light, golden classic has been subverted with new world hops to create an explosion of flavour. Bursts of caramel and tropical fruit with an all-out riot of grapefruit, pineapple and lychee, precede a spiky bitter finish.
This is the beer that started it all - and it’s not done yet.
Toda una declaración de intenciones de los cerveceros de la casa Brew Dog, una indian pale ale muy aromática e intensa en sabores cítricos, vegetales y con un buen grado de amargor. “Quizá no te guste, pero tampoco ese era el objetivo”.
La Brew Dog Punk IPA tiene un color dorado algo pálido con una espuma blanca, cremosa, espesa de larga duración.
El aroma es frutal con presencia de cítricos, a caramelo y almíbar.
En el sabor confirmamos los citricos del aroma, aunque balanceados por presencia de la malta dando como resultado una cerveza sabrosa y refrescante.
Microbombolla Heidi
Aigua: Aigua mineral del Montseny
Malta: Pale Ale, Rye, Blat Munich, Cararuby, Crystal, Special B, Xocolata
Llúpol: El Dorado (US) [DRY], Cascade (US) [DRY], Pacific Gem (NZ)
Llevat: US-05
Irish moss
IBU 86
EBC 41
Producció 117 ampolles
Fab: 2015/11/01
Emb: 2015/11/15
Pref: 2016/11/01
A fractional IPA
We stood there for a while watching as the house burned. As the roof collapsed. As the rear wall with the back deck still connected surged forward under the weight of the flames, momentarily smothering the flare below it only to explode brightly with a rush of cinders and a wall of fresh heat thrust in our direction. What artifacts had just burst into the night air? A wedding dress? An old box of photographs? It was all gone or going now. The blaze was making something new at the same time. Something more primal and less evolved. By morning the weighty things of the past would be reduced to a vapor, heart, light, and cinders - receptive to the slightest wishful breeze. There is freedom in burning down the house of fixed realities and it confers an undeniable lightness to being. We didn’t invent these truths; they invented us.