Troubadour Magma
The amber-coloured specialty beer Troubadour Magma has the aromatic and hoppy-bitter character of an American Indian Pale Ale, but is softened by the fruitiness of a Belgian Tripel. Enthusiasts appreciate the explosion of fruity scents from dry hopping.
Perfect to enjoy on a night out during a sunny spring or autumn day.
Our Troubadour Magma is our showpiece that bowls everyone over. It is a fruity Belgian triple with the bitterness of an IPA, and an explosive aroma of exotic fruit. A match made in heaven, in summer and winter alike. Troubadour Magma is a beer that is making a name for itself!
Troubadour Magma es de color ámbar, cerveza con la amargura de una IPA americana pero equilibrada con la frutosidad de un Triple belga. Disfrute de la explosión de aromas frutales del dry hopping.
Troubadour Magma Tropical
A lower alcohol content but extra fruity! The scent of mango, melon and tropical fruit play the leading role.
A fresh Troubadour Magma!
Every year, The Musketeers Brewery brings a one-off brew onto the market that changes one aspect of the Troubadour Magma brewing recipe. After varying the basic raw materials malt, hops and yeast or adding wood chips in previous years, the 2019 edition will be given a tropical twist.
In addition to the normal hopping used for Troubadour Magma during the dry-hopping, two more were added to Troubadour Magma Tropical, namely Nelson Sauvin and El Dorado.
These Australian hops give our Troubadour Magma a spicy aroma!
Magma Indian Summer
Troubadour Magma Indian Summer heeft de kleur van de herfst en de warmte van de avondzon. Het aroma is sterk fruitig, waarin je meteen citrus met overheersend pompelmoes en mandarijn/sinaas herkent, gecombineerd met florale accenten.De smaak start licht fris fruitig, zacht gevolgd door een moutig, biscuit-kruidig karakter met een duidelijke bitterheid: een zeer dorstlessende en vlot drinkbare IPA.
Troubadour Magma Indian Summer has the colour of autumn and the warmth of the evening sun. The aroma is strongly fruity, where you immediately recognize citrus with dominant grapefruit and mandarin/sinace, combined with floral accents. The taste starts slightly fresh fruity, soft followed by a malty, biscuit-spicy character with a clear bitterness: a very thirst-quenching and easy to drink IPA.
Troubadour Magma Indian Summer a la couleur de l’automne et la chaleur du soleil du soir. L’arôme est fortement fruité, on reconnaît immédiatement les agrumes avec une dominante de pamplemousse et de mandarine/orange, combinée à des accents floraux. La dégustation commence par une touche fruitée légèrement fraiche, douce, suivie d’une touche maltée, avec un accentbiscuité-épicé avec une nette amertume : un IPA très désaltérante et facile à boire.