The Flying Inn Plague Carnival
This IPA-Roggenbier decandent hybrid has a plethora of combinated flavours. The red horse brings of orange marmalade and twisted lavender and rosemary aromas. A deadly carnival dancing in the mouth: toasty caramel followed by the wild spiciness of the rye, roasty taste from the grains, and all the power of the american hop resin ending the cortege.
West Coast is dead.
The Flying Inn Ectoplasma India Pale Ale
Efluvios de naranja, mandarina, piña verde, aromas bergamota emergen del elixir nebuloso. El zumo de fruta recorre la boca hacia un amargor cítrico que seca la boca con sensualidad. Una post india pale ale que viena a sacudir con arrogancia los pilares de la ortodoxia hophead. La normalidad es mediocre.
The Flying Inn Libélula
Session IPA
Hoppy and juicy session ale hopped with Ekuanot, Mosaic, Columbus and Citra.