Sol es una cerveza clara con exquisito aroma, poco amarga y refrescante. Su sabor suave y el significado de su nombre, le han permitido conquistar un importante lugar en más de 70 países.
The perfect combination of flavour and refreshment
Combining German brewing tradition with Costa Rican tastes.
Since 1924 Costa Rica’s favorite beer has been Imperial. Made with a combination of two row and specialty malts, grains, and hops, it has a pleasing touch of bitterness. Golden yellow in color, with a light body and silky texture, Imperial has a clean, refreshing taste.
Imperial is the No. 1 selling beer in Costa Rica and is considered the ‘Beer of Costa Rica’.
Style American Lager
Two row & specialty malts
Stella Artois
Cerveza de color dorado pálido. De sabor amargo fino. Perfectamente eequilibrada.