Comparar Cervezas Edge Brewing Apassionada - Wild Beer Sourdough - La Calavera Massive Brett Destruction

Comprar Edge Brewing Apassionada - Wild Beer Sourdough - La Calavera Massive Brett Destruction


Tipo / Estilo:

Sour Ale
Sour Ale
Sour Ale


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Passion Fruit Berliner Weisse

Our light summer ale is inspired by the steamy hot summers of Barcelona when a truly refreshing beer is needed. The twist of passion fruit mingles with a sour touch to tickle your tongue and give you a shiver!

Passion is a strong, barely controllable emotion. After brewing a similar collaboration beer with Lindheim Ol Company in Norway, we could not control the urge to create our own version. Brewed with passion for the passionate.


La nostra ale llum de l’estiu està inspirada en els estius calents i estimulants de Barcelona, quan es necessita una cervesa realment refrescant. El gir de la fruita de la passió es barreja amb un toc amarg per fer-li pessigolles a la llengua i li donarà un calfred!

La passió és una emoció forta, tot just controlable. Després d’elaborar cervesa una cervesa col·laboració similar amb Lindheim Ol Company a Noruega, no podríem controlar l’impuls de crear la nostra pròpia versió. Elaborada amb la passió per la passió.


Nuestra ale luz del verano está inspirada en los veranos calientes y estimulantes de Barcelona, cuando se necesita una cerveza realmente refrescante. El giro de la fruta de la pasión se mezcla con un toque amargo para hacerle cosquillas a la lengua y le dará un escalofrío!

La pasión es una emoción fuerte, apenas controlable. Después de elaborar cerveza una cerveza colaboración similar con Lindheim Ol Company en Noruega, no podríamos controlar el impulso de crear nuestra propia versión. Elaborada con la pasión por la pasión.


Wild Beer Sourdough

A Wild Beer & Hobbs House Bakery collaboration.

Our beautifully barrel aged sour beer has just been bottled and this batch is tasting incredible. its been blended from a mixture of 24 aged wine barrels and two bourbon to give it that kick of flavour. Read the story on sourdoughs creation bellow.

Beer and Bread have been showing off the magic of yeast for thousands of years, we decided to combine the two. The old and the new, contemporary ideas and historical techniques and ingredients, a very special beer that combines all these things and more.

6 months before we even had a brewery we started talking to Tom Herbert about the Hobbs House Bakery’s 58 year old Sourdough yeast, and whether we could use it to ferment a beer. Tom was excited, we were excited!

After a year of trials (each trial took a really long time to develop) we decided to loosely base the beer on a Berliner Weisse style - a historical Sour beer style from Northern Germany, but with a Wild Beer slant to it. We have used the 58 year old sourdough culture and a little brettanomyces and put the beer straight into oak barrels for its primary fermentation.


Massive Brett Destruction

American Wild Ale

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