Una cerveza tostada fermentada con Alcachofa de Benicarló ( DO ), una hortaliza del género Cynara, que le aporta un juego entre dulce y amargo diferente al del lúpulo. Elaborada con diferentes maltas tostadas que le aportan cremosidad.
Perfecta para bebértela sin parar, en esas tardes tontas con los amigos.
Deep blonde in colour, Barbãr’s creamy head gives off a powerful aroma, unobtrusively scented with honey and accompanied by a bouquet of floral, spicy and citrus notes.
The use of soft wheat gives a rounded attack, without heaviness. The sugar provided by the honey during the wort boiling undergoes fermentation and is converted into alcohol. Consequently, this is a soft but not sweet beer, with a touch of acidity which gives it freshness. The finish is full of finesse and without a bitter aftertaste. An original and distinctive beer whose distant origins go back to the “cervoise” brewed by our ancestors who called it “Warrior’s rest”.
De color rubio y aspecto rubio, con una corona de espuma densa, cremosa y muy consistente. Aroma inconfundible a miel, dulce y ala vez floral. amargor equilibrado y el posgusto, al igual que el aroma, a miel