Anchor Blackberry Daze IPA
A Funky Fusion of Rich Earth and Ripe Fruit
Blackberry Daze IPA™ is a synergistic union of blackberries and hops. Because the blackberry was once wildly rampant in California, it is our ideal choice for this singular Anchor brew.
Blackberry Daze IPA gets its hop bitterness and some hop aroma in the brewhouse, but most of the action happens in the cellar when the fruit is added during secondary fermentation. A special blend of loamy, herbaceous hops for dry-hopping complements the brightness and deep complexity of the blackberries. The result is a funky synthesis of rich earth and ripe fruit, hop bitterness and blackberry tartness, with alluring color and aromas up front, sublimely intense flavors, and a refreshingly dry finish.
The appearance of Blackberry Daze IPA is unique and unexpected as it features a ruby, blush pink color not found in your typical IPA. The packaging artwork displays a psychedelic label design that visually reiterates the beer’s alluring combination of hops and blackberries.
Abita Turbodog
Turbodog® is a dark brown ale brewed with pale, caramel, and chocolate malts and Willamette hops. This combination gives Turbodog® its rich body and color and a sweet chocolate, toffee-like flavor. Turbodog® began as a specialty ale, but has gained a huge, loyal following and has become one of our flagship brews. This ale pairs well with most meats and is great served with hamburgers or sausages. It is a good match with smoked fish and can even stand up to wild-game dishes. Turbodog® is also great for marinating and braising meats and cooking such things as cabbage and greens. Colby, Gloucester, Cheddar and blue cheeses go nicely with Turbodog®. It’s perfect with spicy Louisiana jambalaya or Spanish paella. Some even like it paired with chocolate!
Turbodog® es una cerveza de color marrón oscuro elaborada con maltas pálidas, de caramelo y chocolate y lúpulo de Willamette. Esta combinación le da a Turbodog® su rico cuerpo y color, y un sabor a caramelo y chocolate dulce. Turbodog® comenzó como una cerveza especial, pero ha ganado una gran cantidad de seguidores leales y se ha convertido en una de nuestras cervezas insignia. Esta ale combina bien con la mayoría de las carnes y se sirve con hamburguesas o salchichas. Es un buen acompañante con el pescado ahumado y puede incluso soportar los platos de caza silvestre. Turbodog® también es ideal para marinar y estofar carnes y cocinar cosas como repollo y verduras. Los quesos Colby, Gloucester, Cheddar y Blue van muy bien con Turbodog®. Es perfecto con jambalaya picante de Louisiana o paella española. ¡Algunos incluso lo combinan con chocolate!