Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Black IPA graced our year-round lineup for a few years before its retirement in 2015. Since then, nearly every single day, we receive multiple emails, phone calls and social media comments from diehard fans of this hoppy and dark delicacy, pleading, begging and sometimes demanding us to bring it back. (Seriously, we tried to add them all up and it was easily into the thousands.)
Because you can’t keep a great beer permanently retired, it’s made a few cameo appearances in our Stone Mixed Packs as well as on draft at our Tap Rooms and Bistros over the years. But now it’s back nationwide on its own in all its glory. Original recipe. Original artwork.
Flavor: Dark and milk chocolate, orange, raspberry, pine resin, tropical fruit, with hints of coffee
Palate: Medium body with solid bitterness and a nice drying character on the finish
Appearance: Black with reddish hue, light tan head and lively foam with good lacing
Aroma: Coffee, black currant, chocolate, piney, citrus, tropical fruit
Anchorage Mosaic Saison
Ale con brettanomyces fermentada y envejecida en toneles de roble.
Bell’s Expedition Stout
La Bells Expedition Stout fue una de las primeras Russian Imperial Stout de los Estados Unidos.
Esta cerveza ofrece una inmensidad de sabores complejos creados con la mente puesta en poder envejecerla, madurando y mejorando año a año.
Tiene un cuerpo intenso y maltoso donde se entremezclan diferentes chocolates, frutas oscuras y otros aromas. En los primeros meses de su creación es una cerveza intensamente amarga, amargor que va desvaneciéndose ligeramente tras el pasode los años.