Oskar Blues Beerito
Mexican Lager
Beerito (4% ABV, 21 IBUs) is a light bodied, amber Mexican lager brewed with premium German and coloRADo sourced craft malts and featuring a crisp accent from noble hops. The mouth feel is incredibly smooth with flavors of walnut, toasted bread, plum, honey and cocoa - 4% ABV doesn’t always come with this kind of character.
Amber Lager elaborada con maltas alemanas y de Colorado, de nobles lúpulos que permiten entregar una cerveza suave con sabores a pan tostado, nuez, ciruela y ligero toque a miel y cacao.
Oskar Blues Brewery Fugli
Yuzu and Ugli fruit infusions twisted together with the blueberry, tangerine notes of Mosaic make for a tangy, juicy, zesty array of aroma and flavor. Salivation will instantly ensue with one sniff of this crushable brew (5.8% ABV, 60 IBUs) that was inspired by a Yuzu brew we made with some brewing friends in Japan.
Oskar Blues Priscilla Wheat
Priscilla American Wit
Priscilla parte del clásico estilo belga de trigo Witbier, con piel de naranja y cilantro infusionados, casi emanando del legado de la música blues que el artista Dave McIntyre forjó en el sótano del brewpub original “Oskar Blues Grill & Brew” en Lyons (Colorado). Disponible en barril durante una década, Priscilla presenta un aspecto turbio y unos aromas de base maltosa en combinación con afrutados, cítricos y especiados originados en la fermentación. De cuerpo ligero y una explosión de sabores que acaban con un final seco y ligeramente astringente, tras el que puedes sentir el parpadeo de las luces de neón y el canturreo del rey.
This AmeriCAN take on the Belgian Classic Wit, featuring orange peel and coriander spice emanated from the basement blues music legacy Dave McIntyre (Oskar Blusologist) built at the original Oskar Blues Grill & Brew in Lyons, CO. On draft for over a decade, Priscilla’s zesty citrus and light fresh baked bread aromas mix with spicy, fruity fermentation. Light bodied with a subtle savory spice accent and a dry, lightly tart finish you can nearly feel the flicker of the neon and sounds of the King. White Wit Wheat.