Nøgne Ø Imperial Aquavit Porter
Imperial Porter
This bold porter spent the last six months on fresh aquavit barrels supplied by Arcus. We think the barrels brought justice to our beloved beer, and have returned the barrels in hope that our presence can bring justice to a future aquavit. Enjoy this Imperial Porter in front of a fireplace. Serve at 12º C
Rebel King
Imperial Stout
Legends speak of a king so feared by his enemies that they would surrender immediately after he announces war against them. As a symbol of peace they would order their brewers to brew the finest dark ale containing cacao, coffee and vanilla. This was the only way they could persuade the rebel king not to destroy their kingdoms. Sit back in your favourite chair, pour one and say cheers to the Rebel king.
Rebel King pairs best with the dark days of winter.
Everyday Hero
New World IPA
Our city was under attack. Bland, tasteless, mass-produced lager infiltrating every supermarket shelf. Then shone a ray of light: everyday hero swooped in to save his hometown. Combining drinkability with a balanced attack of citrus, floral hops and a solid honey malt backbone. No longer will our town be subjected to flavourless conglomerates, thanks to Everyday Hero.
Let Everyday Hero save your everyday.