Brewed with our legendary Burton water. Palate of biscuit malt, spicy hops and light fruitiness. Now with added personality.
De color rojo ámbar pálido, con sabor seco a nuez y malta, equilibrada por las notas dulces y afrutadas de manzanas y peras.
Es la única cerveza en el mundo que se sigue produciendo según el sistema Burton Union, en la que se usa una serie de gigantes cubas de roble unidas a una artesa de hierro por tuberias de cobre.
St. Peter’s Cream Stout
Lúpulos Fuggles y Challenger además de una mezcla de 4 de maltas de cebada local para crear una aromática, fuerte y oscura chocolate cream storu con un agradable retorgusto agridulce.
Ganadora de la Medalla de Oro en la International Beer Competition 2003 y 2004, e International Beer Challenge 2006 / World’s 50 Best Beers 2006.
The Lost Abbey Serpent’s Stout
The history of the bible and religion is indeed the struggle of good vs. evil. Our Serpent’s Stout recognizes the evil of the dark side that we all struggle with.
This is a massively thick and opaque beer that begs the saints to join the sinners in their path to a black existence.
Pours dark and thick, with a creamy mocha-colored head and aromas of roasted malts, dark chocolate and french roast coffee. The mouthfeel is full, smooth and round on the tongue. The taste is rich with deep roasted malts, cocoa, coffee and a touch of vanilla balanced perfectly against the alcohol to create an excellent winter warmer.