Comparar Cervezas Anchor Steam Beer - Ballast Point Fathom IPL

Comprar Anchor Steam Beer - Ballast Point Fathom IPL


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Pale Ale, Caramel

Northern Brewer
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Anchor Steam Beer

San Francisco’s famous Anchor Steam®, the classic of American brewing tradition since 1896, is virtually handmade, with an exceptional respect for the ancient art of brewing. The deep amber color, thick creamy head, and rich flavor all testify to our traditional brewing methods. Anchor Steam is unique, for our brewing process has evolved over many decades and is like no other in the world. Anchor Steam derives its unusual name from the 19th century when "steam" seems to have been a nickname for beer brewed on the West Coast of America under primitive conditions and without ice. The brewing methods of those days are a mystery and, although there are many theories, no one can say with certainty why the word "steam" came to be associated with beer. For many decades Anchor alone has used this quaint name for its unique beer. In modern times, "Steam" has become a trademark of Anchor Brewing.


El nombre Steam (vapor) hace referencia a la cervezas fabricada en la costa oeste de América en condiciones muy precarias y sin hielo. Probablemente tiene que ver con la práctica original a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX de fermentar la cerveza en los tejados de San Francisco, en un clima frío. En la actualidad ’Steam’ ha derivado en una marca comercial registrada de la cerveza insignia de Anchor Brewing.

Color ámbar profundo. Aroma balanceado de grano tostado y lúpulo, ligeramente afrutado.

Sabor a galleta y malta tostada, notas de caramelo, frutas y cítricos.


Ballast Point Fathom IPL - India Pale Lager

Nuestro Fathom India Pale Lager combina técnicas lagering históricas con los perfiles de lúpulo de una receta West Coast IPA.

La levadura lager fermentada en frío proporciona una base limpia que permite resaltar los aromas cítricos y de pino del lúpulo. El resultado es una cerveza medalla de oro con un carácter muy bebible y refrescante, fácil y sólo con la cantidad justa de compeljidad.

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