Comparar Cervezas Samuel Adams Boston Lager - Elysian Beers of Apocalypse - 4 - Peste - Lagunitas IPA India Pale Ale

Comprar Samuel Adams Boston Lager - Elysian Beers of Apocalypse - 4 - Peste - Lagunitas IPA India Pale Ale


Tipo / Estilo:

Vienna Lager
Spice, Herb o Vegetable Beer
IPA - India Pale Ale



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Descripción Comercial:


Boston Lager

Since 1984, Samuel Adams Boston Lager has used the world’s finest hand-selected ingredients to create a perfectly balanced and complex original brew. So, why change a classic? The recipe hasn’t changed. Boston Lager Remastered still uses Koch’s great-great grandfather’s mid-19th century original recipe but has evolved the process to reduce filtration, incorporating a traditional German practice of biological acidification while dropping the roughness from the husks of the barley. The result is a brighter, easier-drinking beer that leaves a little more sparkle in every glass.

Boston Lager Remastered is easier-drinking and more refreshing than ever before. Its classic complex-yet-balanced flavor profile features a backbone of caramel and toffee malt notes and a distinct noble hop character with hints of pine and citrus for a crisp finish.


El buque insignia de la marca.

Cerveza americana tipo Lager Viena, de 4,9% de alcohol, de baja fermentación.

La Samuel Adams Boston Lager tiene un color dorado ambarino intenso con una pequeña capa de espuma blanca.

Predomina ligeramente el lúpulo aunque encontramos aromas complejos florales, cítricos y a pino. En la boca es equilibrada, el sabor es pleno y dulce con notas a caramelo, malta tostada y un agradable amargor que nos lleva a un final ligeramente seco.

Acompaña a platos cuyo ingrediente principal es el pato o el conejo.


Chocolate Chile Ale elaborada con cacao de Perú, canela de Ceylán, y pimientos chipotle, guajillo pasilla y de tipo cayena.


Lagunitas IPA India Pale Ale

A well-rounded, highly drinkable IPA. A bit of Caramel Malt barley provides the richness that mellows out the twang of the hops.

This is our unique version of an ancient style. A style as old as the ocean trade routes of the last centuries of Great Ships. Not as old as the equator they had to cross twice enroute, nor as old as the 10,000 miles or so of Di-Hydrogen Oxide and Sodium upon which they sailed, but older than the Circulithium-4 Lentoid that binds the Lupulin Quartnate onto your taste buds. Weird. Think about it. Now stop. OK, go again. Now stop. Think again. And stop. But we digress. Made with 43 different hops and 65 various malts, this redolent ale will likely float your boat, whatever planet you’re on.

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