Against The Grain T. Rex Arcana
T. Rex-Arcana is a beast of mindless, wild Belgian indifference. A Bretted version of our Flex-Arcana, sitting like its fossilious namesake in the dark, becoming more terrifyingly beautiful, hard-edged and intricate: this beer has bite. Bittersweet chocolate, tobacco and ash are met with tart cherry and an acidity akin to red wine. Monsterous.
La empresa la clasifica como IPA, la etiqueta como Imperial Stout y por su elaboración podría ser una Sour
El chocolate agridulce, el tabaco y la ceniza se encuentran con cereza agria y una acidez similar al vino tinto. Monstruoso.
Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA
India Pale Ale
Imperial IPA
Why are Miracle Mike and his dog, Bionic, being chased by many evil laser beam shooting cupackes and two giant layer cake mother ships? Because we’re straight up lunatic fools? Well, maybe, but with a few brain cells remaining we managed to craft Space Cake double IPA, utilizing citrusy Mosaic hops and an immaculate West Coast style malt backbone. Dude… chill out. Enjoy some Space Cake.