Deep blonde in colour, Barbãr’s creamy head gives off a powerful aroma, unobtrusively scented with honey and accompanied by a bouquet of floral, spicy and citrus notes.
The use of soft wheat gives a rounded attack, without heaviness. The sugar provided by the honey during the wort boiling undergoes fermentation and is converted into alcohol. Consequently, this is a soft but not sweet beer, with a touch of acidity which gives it freshness. The finish is full of finesse and without a bitter aftertaste. An original and distinctive beer whose distant origins go back to the “cervoise” brewed by our ancestors who called it “Warrior’s rest”.
De color rubio y aspecto rubio, con una corona de espuma densa, cremosa y muy consistente. Aroma inconfundible a miel, dulce y ala vez floral. amargor equilibrado y el posgusto, al igual que el aroma, a miel
Es una cerveza Lager Especial navidad, de brillante color cobrizo amarronado con espuma de color café. Como una buena Cerveza de Navidad es algo especiada y acaramelada. Muy malteada y afrutada
Cap d’Ona - Especial
Malta de cebada, 7% vino Banyuls, lúpulos y levaduras.
Malta d’ordi, 7% vi Banyuls, llúpols i llevats.