Ruination IPA
Double IPA
Throughout our history, we’ve built a (fairly deserved) reputation for being obsessed with massively hoppy IPAs. And this groundbreaking creation you see before you is largely responsible for that legacy. Did you know that Stone Ruination IPA was the first year-round, brewed-and- bottled West Coast Double IPA on the planet? True story. As the technology and techniques for maximizing hoppy goodness evolved over the years, so too did this beer. Yet we still look back fondly on the impression it left on the palates of many. As a tribute to its roots, we’re bringing it back for a limited time in its original old school form– the quintessential representation of a West Coast Double IPA.
Anchor Porter
Considerada por la marca como la primera Porter americana moderna cuando se elaboró en 1972.
De profundo color negro, una gruesa espuma cremosa, rico chocolate, caramelo y sabores de café, sueve pero con mucho cuerpo, Anchor Porter es el epítome de una cerveza negra artesanal.
Anchor California Lager
Single hop Cluster
Cerveza lager de color dorado con espuma cremosa, aroma ligeramente afrutado y maltoso, muy equilibrada y final suave. Elaborada con lúpulo Cluster, el primer lúpulo de California del siglo XIX.