This light ale has a deep golden colour with a smooth, frothy head. It is very perfumed with an unmistakable hint of aromatic hops and a fruity (citrus) note from the spices used in production. The body has an intense yet distinctive bitterness and a strong malty taste which is a delight to the palate. The overall effect, however, is a slight dryness and hoppiness. All these features make St-Feuillien Blonde an excellent and very drinkable beer.
Abbaye De Forest - Abbaye De Forest Blonde
Bière de fermentation haute type abbaye refermentée en bouteille.
Arôme discrètement parfumé suivi d’une saveur délicatement amère.
Au palais, L’Abbaye de Forest laisse un subtil fruité de raisin sec qui se conclut par un amer tonifiant très agréable en bouche.
De un color rubio claro, es una cerveza ligeramente perfumada de aroma, seguida por un sutil sabor amargo. En el paladar, se nota un fino sabor afrutado que termina con un agradable gusto amargo.