"Neb" es una receta cerveza casera que se ha ampliado sin ninguna consideración a las economías de escala. Algunos dicen locura, y como economista Yo tendría que estar de acuerdo. Ser inovador o morir en el intento.
Premios: Medalla de oro y "Best of Show" en el festival de cerveza y whisky de Estocolmo 2012. La mejor cerveza sueca 2013 según RateBeer. La mejor cerveza sueca 2012 según los lectores de Allt om ol. La mejor cerveza sueca de acuerdo con beersweden.forum. En la lista de los 30 grandes OPI para beber antes de morir en http://firstwefeast.com/drink/30-great-ipas-to-drink-before-you-die/
Artwork by Karl Grandin
“Neb” is a home brew recipe that has been scaled up with no consideration to economies of scale. Some say idiotic, and as an economist I would have to agree. Get fresh or die trying.
Awards: Gold medal and "Best of Show" at the Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2012. Best Swedish Beer 2013 according to ratebeer. Best Swedish Beer 2012 according to the readers of Allt om Öl. Best Swedish Beer according to beersweden.forum. On the list of 30 great IPAs to drink before you die at http://firstwefeast.com/drink/30-great-ipas-to-drink-before-you-die/
Diseño Karl Grandin
Drawing inspiration from the fidelity of a saison — rustic, alluringly cloudy and crisp — this imperial IPA was brewed using oats and wheat. Dry-hopped twice and completely untouched post fermentation to preserve aroma and flavor.
Imperial IPA, 8 % by vol.
Brewed at Dugges Bryggeri in Sweden.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.
Lemon Curd Sour
10 years since I met the love of my life. I’m still trying to convince her to like beer.
Moa lemon curd sour is an attempt to piece together the different elements that have ranked favourably through deep study of her facial expressions as she’s tried our beers over almost a decade.
Spread craft, spread love, spread lemon curd.
Sour, 3.5 % by vol.
Brewed by De Proefbrouwerij in Belgium.
Artwork by Karl Grandin.