Maiken Heisenbierg
Heisenbierg es una Imperial Pale Ale (IPA) caracterizada, principalmente, por su fuerte sabor amargo y su alta graduación. Sus 8ºC de alcohol se equilibran a la perfección con el dulce caramelizado de las maltas especiales. Esta mezcla de sabores y aromas hacen de esta cerveza artesana una copa ideal para disfrutar con los amigos.
Yria / Medina First Blow Dipa
The Legendary Strike Op Bitterness!!
Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail
Imperial India Pale Ale with mango and orange added
Did you like Before During and after Christmas, maybe you thought it poured brilliantly, the alcohol was admirable well hidden and you loved how the arrogant amounts of hops numbed your mouth. This beer will knock your tongue off - it’s a tour de force in hoppiness and by far one the craziest beer ever made by Evil Twin Brewing.