Cherry Love
Fruit Saison
Elaborada con cerezas de Paül
Two Roads Roads Garden
Saison Ale brewed with Flowers
See how our garden grows! For this unique, high gravity saison, Brewmaster Phil used a variety of edible and aromatic flowers such as lavender, chamomile and calendula. This arrangement completes a farmhouse ale with one-of-a-kind taste and flavor.
Brussels Beer Project Zenith Zest
Yuzu Saison
We brewed Zenith Zest in Brussels with our good friends Chris & Paul from Kyoto Brewing.
They brought Sansho pepper in their luggage and we also added yuzu zest in this Saison to reflect both Japanese & Belgian traditions. Yet balance predominates in this most refreshing beer that mirrors the Sunny days of May.
Zenith Zest es una colaboración elaborada en Bruselas con los cervecerosChris & Paul de Kyoto Brewing. LLeva pimienta Sansho y se le añadió cáscara de yuzu, convirtiéndola en una Saison que refleja las tradiciones belgas y japonesas siendo una cerveza refrescante e ideal para los días soleados.