Comparar Cervezas Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale - Lagunitas DayTime - Lagunitas Aunt Sally

Comprar Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale - Lagunitas DayTime - Lagunitas Aunt Sally


Tipo / Estilo:

American IPA
IPA - India Pale Ale
Sour Ale


Precios / Comprar:

Descripción Comercial:


Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale

Way smooth and silky with a nice wheatly-esque-ishness. A truly unique style featuring a strong hop finish on a silky body. A hoppy pale wheat ale that is great for IPA fans but so smooth that the hefeweizen fans dig it too.

So we’re all on collective disability. That’s cool. Let’s put some ice on it and keep ourselves elevated for a while. So, what’s on the tube...? Honey...? Get me a beer from the fridge...Will ya...? Sweetie...? Pleeease...?



A fractional IPA

We stood there for a while watching as the house burned. As the roof collapsed. As the rear wall with the back deck still connected surged forward under the weight of the flames, momentarily smothering the flare below it only to explode brightly with a rush of cinders and a wall of fresh heat thrust in our direction. What artifacts had just burst into the night air? A wedding dress? An old box of photographs? It was all gone or going now. The blaze was making something new at the same time. Something more primal and less evolved. By morning the weighty things of the past would be reduced to a vapor, heart, light, and cinders - receptive to the slightest wishful breeze. There is freedom in burning down the house of fixed realities and it confers an undeniable lightness to being. We didn’t invent these truths; they invented us.


Aunt Sally

A Unique Dry-Hopped Sweet Tart Sour Mash Ale.

You remember it like it was yesterday. The beer flowed like music. The music was all that mattered. What mattered most was that nothing else mattered at all and the world outside fell away as a dream disappears upon waking, ephemeral and vaporous. You cradled her in your hand, lips trembling, her citrus suchness a swarm of expectation in your mind, her carbonate beauty as satisfying as it was overwhelming. You were new to this dance but she was not. Taking her in completely she seized your senses and you were consumed by the luminous passion, her residual sweetness, and the tart earthiness of her grin... This brew is dedicated to the real Aunt Sally. You know who you are. And you know why.

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