Comparar Cervezas Flying Monkeys 12 Minutes to Destiny - Mötorhead Röad Crew - Collective Arts Prophets & Nomads

Comprar Flying Monkeys 12 Minutes to Destiny - Mötorhead Röad Crew - Collective Arts Prophets & Nomads


Tipo / Estilo:

American Pale Ale
American Pale Ale



2-Row Pale Malt (Metcalf and Copeland)
Pale Ale, Wheat

Saaz (bittering and late-hopping)
Galena, Bramling Cross, Mandarina Bavaria, Huel Melon
Precios / Comprar:

Descripción Comercial:


Flying Monkeys 12 Minutes to Destiny

Hybiscus Pale Lager

Desde siempre, uno debería relajarse y disfrutar de una cerveza- A no ser que estés muy ocupado, en tal caso, deberías servirte dos. Esta lager de temporada, con trazos rubís, es perfecta para detener el día y darse un respiro. Impregnada con flores de hibisco, escaramujo, frambuesas silvestres y piel de naranja, “12 Minutes to Destiny” es una birra especialmente refrescante.

Más allá del exótico aroma a rosal, la botánica acidez de la flor de hibisco casa perfectamente con las frambuesas silvestres y los energizantes cítricos en esta lager refrescante. Limpios aromas del clásico lúpulo de Saaz brotan maravillosamente de la alegre carbonatación de esta seca y áspera, aunque sutilmente dulce, cerveza artesanal.

Casa bien con pescado, especialmente sushi y cocinas de Extremo Oriente. Queso de cabra Chèvre o quesos de hierbas como el Boursin; y postres frutales como pastel de lima o pastelillo de fresas.

Idónea para los fans de otras cervezas frutales/botánicas o para bebedores que deseen una refrescante y ligera lager. En cualquier caso es única y creativamente diseñada para los seguidores de cerveza artesanal.


Mötorhead Röad Crew

Lemmy wrote “(We are) the Road Crew” as a tribute to his crew about his time as a roadie for Jimi Hendrix. He took 10 minutes to write this anthem whilst in a North London studio toilet and in his own immortal words “It was the only quiet place in the building. I had an idea and I needed somewhere to work it through. That is the only song I can remember writing in the toilet.”

‘I just love the life I lead, Another beer is what I need, Another gig, my ears bleed, We are the road crew.’

Road Crew is an American pale ale packed full of hoppy citrus and blackcurrant flavours delivering a crisp, refreshing, superior taste to celebrate the spirit of the song and those who inspired it. 

Food match: The hoppy flavours of this session pale ale would work fantastically well with spicy Cajun style foods. Perfect to try with a plate of chilli covered nachos.


Prophets & Nomads

Our Gose is an unfiltered wheat beer made with malted wheat. This creates a unique cloudy yellow colour and provides a refreshing crispness and twang. Our Gose has a low hop bitterness and features coriander and Himalayan salt, adding hints of complimentary dryness, spice and a touch of sharpness to the beer.

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