Coronado Islander IPA
Centennial, Chinook y lúpulo Columbus se combinan para proporcionar una explosión explosiva de amargura a pino y notas sensuales de albaricoque, pomelo y mango que evocan imágenes de palmeras y playas bañadas por el sol.
Lost Coast Great White
Cerveza ligeae con un toque cítrico, hecha con cebada de dos hileras malteada, trigo sin maltear, una mezcla secreta de hierbas de Humboldt, aguas cristalinas de la montaña y la levadura de cerveza.
Stone Americano Stout
The coffee notes in Stone Americano Stout are bold, rich and full of American swagger. For each 120-barrel batch, we incorporated over 250 lbs. of artisanal espresso-roast beans into the mash and added in Columbus, Chinook, Amarillo and Cascade hops to invigorate the coffee taste with a slight citrus and resin hop presence. When it came time to selecting our coffee, we chose the same local roasters who contributed to our sought-after 2013 Stone ESPRESSO Imperial Russian Stout. Their fantastic beans helped us achieve this dark, hoppy and wonderfully aromatic espresso stout.