Comparar Cervezas Birra del Borgo Reale - Birra del Borgo L’Equilibrista

Comprar Birra del Borgo Reale - Birra del Borgo L’Equilibrista


Tipo / Estilo:

IPA - India Pale Ale
Sour Ale


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Birra del Borgo Reale

La prima birra brassata a Borgorose continua ad essere una delle più amate. Ispirata alle tradizionali India Pale Ale inglesi (birre dall’ abbondante luppolatura per affrontare i lunghi viaggi dalla madrepatria alle colonie indiane) ha un profumo intenso dato dai luppoli aromatici americani. Ambrata con riflessi vivi e dotata di buon corpo, al naso offre affascinanti note agrumate e pepate. La gasatura è bassa, come da tradizione delle birre d’Oltremanica. L’assaggio regala un percorso avvincente che conduce verso l’amaro finale, intenso e persistente.


Birra del Borgo L’Equilibrista

Italian Grape Ale

A love story between beer and wine, that meet and a perfect balance in an absolutely new product. 40% of Sangiovese wine must (courtesy of Tenuta di Bibbiano, Siena, Tuscany) and 60% wort (our very own Duchessa) ferment together, as a unique alchemy, following all the steps of “Metodo Classico”. Sangiovese is one of the most important Italian vines, the most cultivated in Italy. If you look for a wine that for history and 34 personality always attracts both connoisseurs and simple enthusiasts, this is Sangiovese. It can be perfectly balanced, with very elegant, oral and intense but fragile scents. The wine is ruby, graceful, the tannins are powerful but silky. Flowers emerge and the red fruits rise the acidity. In this unique product we nd all the complexity and the fascinating notes of the wine incredibly balanced and seduced by the elegance of Duchessa, while perlage and body wink to elegant Italian sparkling wines. We have been brewing L’Equilibrista since 2009 in September, during grape harvest and its availability and characteristics vary from year to year, just like the wines. The Liqueur d’expedition gives continuity, thanks to a small amount of older Equilibrista always kept in its magic formula.

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