Cerveza de tipo Bitter, bien equilibrada. Sabor dulzón y afrutado, con notas a ciruelas. Final amargo seco y especiado
BrewDog / Victory Brewing U-Boat
U-Boat es una colaboración entre BrewDog y Victory Brewing Company. Ideado por Bill Covaleski (co-fundador de Victory brewing) junto a Bowman y Franz, esta Porter tiene un aroma ahumado complejo y un sabor magníficamente equilibrado. Elaborada con una mezcla de maltas especiales y fermentado con levadura lager, U-Boat es diferente y logra un sabor y cuerpo similar a un trozo de chocolate.
En nariz es cálido y lleno de humo, rico chocolate con leche y una pizca de café espresso, y un carácter sutil de lager.
En boca predomina el dulzor de la malta oscura, equilibrada por el picante del lúpulo Mittelfruh picante y el cítrico Galena.
Cacao en polvo, chocolate negro y bayas maduras interaccionan con el amarguor de azúcar quemado.
BrewDog Semi - Skimmed Occultist
Our first small-batch canned release of 2017 is hot off the press and looks an absolute picture thanks to the amazing custom can artwork from the incredible guys at The Red Dress. We wanted to produce something of true decadence, so have packed into the recipe everything that we could think of to raise the body and make a smooth, truly redolent deep stout.
The four key additions exaggerate the mouthfeel and work with the blend of malts, oats and wheat to leave you with a beer that is best enjoyed on those dark, early-spring evenings when the weather is yet to break and the cold still seeps in around the door jambs. The result? In a word, opulence. The aromas start with cocoa and vanilla but it is the flavour that really holds the key to our latest small-batch release. Chocolate milkshake, roasty espresso and mellow vanilla blend into one in a smooth, full-bodied beer that is rich, deep and rewarding.
Con vainilla, café, cacao y avena. Aroma a batido de chocolate, vainilla y moca que se combinan en una textura suave y sedosa, dando sabores amargos a café y chocolate.