Ballast Point Victory At Sea
Imperial Porter con café y vainilla. Una gran porter elaborado para capear cualquier tormenta.Victory at Sea Imperial Porter es una cerveza audaz, suave con la cantidad justa de dulzura. Nos infunde esta porter robusta con vainas de vainilla y propios granos de café Caffe Calabria de San Diego.
Los sutiles notas tostadas y acidez mínima de la fría elaborada café, saldos perfectamente con los tonos caramelo dulce de la malta, creando una combinación ganadora para su paladar
Bear Republic Red Rocket Ale
Red Rocket Ale is a bastardized Scottish style red ale that traces its origins to our homebrew roots. This full bodied and hoppy brew finishes on the palate with sweet, caramel malt flavors.
Black Market Aftermath IPA
Originally marketed as a Pale Ale, now marketed as an IPA.
Aftermath was produced for the IPA drinker who seeks a lower ABV without sacrificing huge hop flavor and aroma. We believe Aftermath achieves this and will become one of your favorite sessionable IPAs, just as it has become one of ours.