"Ich bin ein Berliner Ryesse" - (Somos berlineses )
Berliner Weisse de 4,5%ABV con un 30% de centeno y un 20% de trigo), nuestra primera colaboración oficial que no podía ser con otros que con nuestros queridos amigos de Alvinne, todo un orgullo y un sueño hecho realidad!! Yeaah!!
Microbombolla Harvester
Pale Ale
Aigua: Aigua mineral del Montseny
Malta: Pale Ale, Pilsner, Munich Light, Blat Munich, Melano
LLúpol: Fuggles (UK), Challenger (UK), Saaz (CZ), Nugget (US), Magnum (US)
Llevat US-04
Irish Moss
IBU 52
EBC 16
Fab: 2015/05/24
Emb: 2015/06/06
Pref: 2016/05/24
Guineu / La Quince Unknown Pleasures
Rapaces Night Hunters - Imperial Stout Whysky Wood Aged
There are many ingredients in making Unknown Pleasures, but the secret ingredient is the people. Cervesa Guineu and La Quince Brewery teams Brew Wild and following the Rapaces Night Hunters Brewing Co. attitude! we created this treasure you are holding in your hands. Tap into a new experience from the nightly predators and let yourself venture into Unknown Pleasures...