The Beer Lab
Japanese developed Sorachi Ace hops are best known for the unique lemon, citrus, dill and cilantro n ...s essentially dual purpose, and works well alongside Citra and Simcoe hops. A great choice for IPAs and Pales as well as Lagers. \n \n ...
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The Beer Lab
Abbey Malt® is a highly friable base malt with pronounced malty aromas, and assertive flavors such a ...s honey, nuts as well as hints of chocolate. Suitable for traditional Abbey ales, as well as Trappist beers. Also well suited for a full range for Belgian beer styles, including fruit beers.
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Molina For brewers
La levadura SafAle F-2 ha sido específicamente seleccionada para fermentación secundaria en botellas ... y maltosa y poco las maltotriosas. Marca: FERMENTIS Refe ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo aromático con un amargor intermedio y sutil pero efectiva aroma. ... Referencia: 1102943 ...
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Molina For brewers
Aroma muy delicado, ideal para combinar con levaduras de fermentación baja para cervezas de tipo Lag ...AYWA AG SACHSEN Referencia: 160594 ...
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Molina For brewers
Creada a partir de cebada primaveral de 2 carreras de gran calidad de cultivo ecológico certificado. ...gleses. Altamente modificada para utilizarla tanto en infusiones simples como escalonadas. Bajos niveles de proteína y glucanos para un perfecto lautering y máxima extracción. Proporciona un exce ...
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The Beer Lab
Gives a lighter colour than pilsner malt and results in drier beers in which the hop character is be drinkable beer and affects the flavour and colour. Because of the production process of our flakes, they may be simply added to the mash. They should not be pre-cooked. ...
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The Beer Lab
A new American high alpha hop, Calypso is also heavily used for its soft aromatics. You'll get a ple ...asantly fruity aroma of apple, pear, and citrus that adds a crisp flavor to Pale Ales, IPAs, and Stouts. You will also get some tropical fruit flavors.
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Molina For brewers
Es la versión descascarillada de la Carafa con un exclusivo sistema que elimina la cáscara al grano ...sabor de café oscuro, de cerveza negra pero sin asperezas aromáticas. Incluso pequeñas cantidades de esta malta pueden proporcionar cervezas oscuras suaves y con espuma firme, blanca y cremosa. ...
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The Beer Lab
Use of Acidulated Malt can lower wort pH resulting in better mash efficiency, intensified fermentati ...on, lighter color, improved flavor stability and enhanced flavor.
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Molina For brewers
Creada con cebada primaveral de alta calidad. De color dorado oscuro y grano ligeramente aromático. ...bilidad y potente sabor a malta. Marca: Weyermann® Refere ...
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Molina For brewers
Malta con una muy alta capacidad enzimática para mejorar el rendimiento en maceración. Recomendada p ... Weyermann® Referencia: 208918 ...
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Molina For brewers
Creado a partir del macerado de cocción de las maltas Vienna Malt, Melanoidin Malt y Pilsener Malt. ...ienna Lager, Märzen, Altbier, Bockbier Marca: Weyermann® ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo para aroma, un lúpulo joven de buena calidad. Notas herbales muy agradables pero puede ser re ... Charles Faram & Co LTD Referencia: 120021 ...
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Molina For brewers
El Extracto SINAMAR se produce a partir de la Malta Chocolate CARAFA, concentrándose a partir de un ... muy adecuado como aporte de color, sin producir turbidez y su pH es muy estable. No tienen E, declarándose como extracto de malta. ...
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The Beer Lab
Dark-brown, slightly aromatic kernels. Contributes dark-amber to deep-coppery color to finished beer ...; bread crust. Use up to 5% of total grain bill for pale beers, up to 15% for dark beers.Excellent for making the following types of beer: Belgian Specialty Beers, Belgian Bruin (Brown) Beers, Be ...
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The Beer Lab
Columbus (Tomahawk) Hops Pellets
This dual purpose hop is a high alpha varietal with a neutral bitterness and intense aroma. Floral a for late additions to a boil or dry-hopping. Columbus is a perfect choice for IPAs, Pale and Imperial Ales. Also referred to as Tomahawk, Zeus, or CTZ. ...
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The Beer Lab
Chinook hops are a very distinctive dual-purpose hop used in Ales for both bittering and flavor/arom ...s with subtle notes of grapefruit. Some consider the bittering quality of this hop is a bit rough because it lingers in your mouth after swallowing. However, some brewers can't get enough. The fl ...
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The Beer Lab
Weyermann® CARABOHEMIAN® is a drum-roasted caramel malt made from two-row German barley which delive intensified caramel aromas, along with notes of bread, caramel and toffee flavors.
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The Beer Lab
Belgian coffee malt. First slightly kilned then roasted at up to 220°C.Château Café malt imparts a n ...nd Porters. Adds a smooth mouth feel and complexity to any dark ale. Reinforces the colour of beer.Stouts, porters, Scottish ale, dark Belgian style beer, slightly in brown ales for hints of fres ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo principalmente para amargor aunque también puede impartir aromas herbales, resinosos y de piñ ...OLUPULUS SL Referencia: 2078923 ...
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Centro Cervecero
Sulfato de Magnesio 100grs Centro Cervecero
Escuela de Cerveza. Aprende a hacer cerveza, Cursos, Talleres, Técnicaturas. Venta de Insumos, Equip ...amiento y Soluciones Cerveceras
UYU 100.00
Molina For brewers
La variedad más famosa y casi indispensable para producir whiskies escoceses y de malta. Apto para l ...uación debido a la asimilación de azúcares complejos, por lo que es la mejor opción para los whiskies producidos a partir de malta, cuando las adiciones de enzimas no está permitido. Una buena el ...
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The Beer Lab
General AA range 3-5.5%) A very nice mellow spicy hop with great flavor with citrus tones. Hallertau ... Mittelfruh is considered to be the highest grade Hallertau Noble hop available. Use this hop for all traditional lagers, belgian ales, or any European ales.
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Molina For brewers
Creada con trigo de primera calidad. Ideal para añadir a cervezas de trigo tanto claras como oscuras ...ta Clara de Trigo (Wheat Malt) Marca: Weyermann® Referenc ...
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The Beer Lab
Bramling Cross is a double use hop which is widely employed in European beers. It comes from the Uni ...g and Monitoban are the proud parents of this fruity hop type.The Bramling Cross can be used in all phases of beer production, bittering, fining and dry hopping included. Ground notes, herbal aro ...
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Molina For brewers
Malta idónea para promover estabilidad a los aromas y potenciar la palatabilidad. Aporta colores roj ... Weyermann® Referencia: 110327 ...
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Molina For brewers
Creada con trigo de alta calidad. Cerca del 100% de caramelización. Aporta cremosidad, cuerpo y nota ... Marca: Weyermann® Referencia: 110334 ...
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The Beer Lab
Magnum is a great bittering hop with an aroma similar to a strong Willamette. It therefore works wel ...ons. Magnum makes an incredibly useful bittering agent in just about any beer, and due its very smooth bitterness, you can really use as much as you want. ...
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The Beer Lab
Brown Malt imparts a rich coffee aroma ideal for Stouts and Porters. It delivers a smooth mouthfeel well as increasing foam stability. The hue is a deep mahogany that brings warmth and depth to dark beers.
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The Beer Lab
A German dark de-husked malt for authentic German dark Lagers such as Dunkles and Schwarzbiers. Can ...also be used and experimented with in other styles where a more mellow roasted grain flavor is desired. Carafa® is very similar to a debittered black malt.
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Molina For brewers
Creado a partir del macerado de doble cocción de la Múnich Malt. Extracto de malta sin lúpulo, de co ... Marca: Weyermann® Referencia: 130039 ...
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Molina For brewers
Extracto acuoso derivado del lúpulo utilizado para estandarizar el nivel de turbidez en la cerveza. Natural Solutions LTD Referencia: 206298 ...
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Molina For brewers
Creada primaveral de alta calidad. De color oro oscuro y grano ligeramente aromático. Proporciona co ...nte sabor a malta. Marca: Weyermann® Referencia: ...
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Molina For brewers
Lúpulo ideal para aportar amargor y aroma. Tiene un inigualable aroma especiado y floral; Co LTD Referencia: 1102662 ...
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The Beer Lab
Tettnanger hops are known for their versatility, as they offer a traditional noble aroma that blends ... seamlessly with other hops in your brew. Expect that classic German nose of spice, earth, and a hint of floral commonly added to German Ales, Lagers, and Wheat Beers. Origin: GermanyA/A: 3.9%
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Centro Cervecero
Agua Destilada 1Lt Centro Cervecero
Escuela de Cerveza. Aprende a hacer cerveza, Cursos, Talleres, Técnicaturas. Venta de Insumos, Equip ...amiento y Soluciones Cerveceras
UYU 90.00