Young´s Double Chocolate Stout
Con malta Choolate y esencia de chocolate negro. Sabor complejo, chocolate negro al principio. La malta tostada y el amargor de lúpulo se encuentran bien equilibrados, compensando dulce y amargo.
Aromas a vainilla, cafe, chocolate.
BrewDog Abstrakt AB:25
AB:25 Bourbon Bareel-Aged Barley Wine
Our Abstrakt series showcases one-off beers, brewed or blended to the peak of our abilities. Each release is unique and only brewed once!
Our first Abstrakt release of 2018 comes in the form of a bourbon barrel-aged barley wine. At 13.3% and with 6 months spent in bourbon barrels, it has resurfaced as a complex but gentle beast with layers of flavour. This beer is chewy as hell and delivers hits of toasted oak, caramel and toasted marshmallow followed by a warming bourbon finish.
Pale Ale