The Kernel Export India Porter
Porter de Color negro con espuma beige cremosa y buena retención. Aroma a chocolate dulce, algo de césped, citrico y petalo de rosa. Sabor suave a chocolate negro y afrutado. Final seco y amargo.
Hobgoblin Gold
A hidden treasure has been unearthed in the Wychwood Brewery… and it’s as pure and precious as it’s forefather.
Hobgoblin Gold is the latest beer carrying the little fella’s moniker, and while Gold might be lighter in colour, it’s definitely no lightweight. A combination of hop varieties & infusion of wheat and malted barley has resulted in the perfect golden beer – with a huge hop punch.
Guilt edged golden refreshment. Well what did you expect?
Follow The Worms - An Agave Chili Stout
Ooopf you get that agave sweet hit right on the first whiff. Black Treacle creeps out the dark malts to contribute to the aroma. This beer drinks silky smooth and syrupy but its not to be mistaken for a soft or sickly stout! Although agave sweetness carries through in each sip, the grain-bill keeps the balance with a dry and roasty undertone. Somewhere there is a little kick of licorice. As you drink on, the touch of chilli and light heat is kindled and completes the Mexicana essence to this complex and beautiful beer.