Pannepot is één van onze grootste kleppers en vlaggeschip van De Struise Brouwers. Is een Belgian dark strong ale met subtiele stout toets. Zag voor het eerst het daglicht in 2003 en staat sinds 2004 onafgebroken in de Top 100 van de beste bieren ter wereld.
Pannepot is one of our biggest flagship beers at De Struise Brouwers. It is a Belgian dark strong ale with a subtle stout touch. Saw the light of day for the first time in 2003 and has been in the Top 100 of the best beers in the world since 2004.
Tsjeeses Reserva PBA (Port Barrel Aged)
Envejecida en barricas de Oporto
Cerveza de color ámbar oscuro con una generosa y duradera espuma. Su aroma destaca por unas notas dulces de malta y el sabor es también una buena mezcla dominada por una sólida base de malta dulce estilo belga con algunas notas de levadura picantes. Cerveza con un cuerpo de gran carbonatación y sin alcohol aparente.
De Struise Rio Reserva
Our goal was to brew a Belgian dark golden blond quadrupel with an enormous potential of aromas and flavors, and added complexity due to oak barrel aging. Bourbon barrels from Kentucky were chosen due to their very special soft roast quality and noble vanilla flavors. Year upon year, different quality controls were executed, and we finally decided to bottle condition this very special ale in May 2012. Another three moths of cold maturing was done at the brewery, so we could be sure about the absolute quality before releasing to our customers