This light ale has a deep golden colour with a smooth, frothy head. It is very perfumed with an unmistakable hint of aromatic hops and a fruity (citrus) note from the spices used in production. The body has an intense yet distinctive bitterness and a strong malty taste which is a delight to the palate. The overall effect, however, is a slight dryness and hoppiness. All these features make St-Feuillien Blonde an excellent and very drinkable beer.
Abbaye des Rocs Spéciale Noël
De color caoba turbio, con una compacta espuma beige. Presenta aromas dulces y especiados con notas de naranja, caramelo, maltas tostadas y cilantro. Encontramos lúpulo y alcohol, con aromas herbáceos y melosos.
En boca es una cerveza muy compleja, se perciben influencias muy malteadas, con sabores a semillas torrefactas, chocolate, café y unas pizcas de caramelo quemado.
Château d’Ychouffe Rosé
Belgian Strong Pale Ale con mosto de uva