Primátor Ležák 11°
In 2009, Primator introduced a completely new beer distinctive for its mild bitterness and great drinkability. The brewery brought back this typical Czech lager whose popularity has been increasing in recent years. It is a bottom-fermented beer produced using classical technology and all Czech ingredients. It is brewed through a double mash process from Moravian barley malt and two varieties of Saaz hops. Primary fermentation takes place in open vessels and then it is aged in lager cellars for a minimum of 50 days where the pleasant refreshing zest is matured. The beer has a deep golden color with a distinctive sparkle and a thick snow-white head. The original Moravian malt aroma and flavor of Saaz hops give the beer a medium body. Czech malt made from Moravian spring barley gives the beer an unmistakable aroma and delicious taste. The beer gets its delightful bitterness from fine bitter hops. It is a unique experience which leaves a pleasant sensation on the palate, a slowly fading bitterness, which begs for another drink. The original taste is accentuated by proper tapping at 6 - 8°C.
Lobkowicz Premium Ale
Gracias a nuestra mezcla especial de malta, nuestra cerveza Premium Ale adquiere un distintivo color ámbar oscuro y brillante.
Tiene un marcado aroma a lúpulo con notas cítricas y de especias. La amargura natural de esta cerveza se ve acentuada por el sabor del lúpulo natural y marcadas pinceladas de pomelo.
Aroma a cítricos intensos.sabor refrescante.
Výjimečné pivo zasluhuje výjimečný způsob výroby z výjimečných surovin. Lobkowicz Premium ALE vaříme za použití speciálních sladů, a to bavorského a Caraaroma, amerického chmele odrůdy Cascade a metody studeného chmelení na samém konci výrobního procesu. Díky těmto speciálním postupům a surovinám se pivo pyšní výrazně hořkou chutí s akcentem čerstvého chmele, citrusů a zejména grepu.