Comparar Cervezas La Chouffe Blonde - De la Senne / Thiriez Birthday Session - Troubadour Jack’s Precious IPA

Comprar La Chouffe Blonde - De la Senne / Thiriez Birthday Session - Troubadour Jack’s Precious IPA


Tipo / Estilo:

Belgian Golden Strong Ale
Belgian IPA


Precios / Comprar:

Descripción Comercial:


La Chouffe Blonde

LA CHOUFFE révèle en bouche des notes d’agrumes, suivies d’une touche rafraîchissante, agréablement épicée, lui conférant une grande légèreté. Avec ses 8° d’alcool et son goût légèrement houblonné, cette bière dorée a su, au fil des ans, conquérir les amateurs de bières du monde entier. Son goût unique a d’ailleurs été récompensé par plusieurs prix.


Ligeramente condimentada con cilantro.

Cerveza especial belga, de 8% de alcohol, de alta fermentación y con segunda fermentación en botella.

La Chouffe es la primera cerveza elaborada por Brasserie D`Achouffe : rubia dorada, fuerte y potente de Co2, con sabor bastante afrutado, referencias a especias y a lúpulo.

El gusto de la Chouffe evoluciona a lo largo del tiempo. Como cerveza afrutada y servida bien fresca se toma como aperitivo con algo para picar y menos fría como postre, donde los restos de levadura de la segunda fermentación ayudan a digerir la comida.


De la Senne / Thiriez Birthday Session

Esta Session IPA se elaboró en colaboración con Daniel Thiriez para celebrar el 20 aniversario de Brasserie Thiriez, su micro francesa. Cerveza ligera, muy refrescante y en la que podemos encontrar los toques lupulizados típicos de la Brasserie de la Senne


Jack’s Precious IPA

In 1904, the Ghent Zoo had to close and Jack the Asian elephant was sold to Siske, a so called ‘gistmarchand’ or yeast-trader. He tried to sell the elephant in England, but that plan failed and the poor animal ended up in a Dutch sausage factory.

Whether or not Jack was actually reduced to sausages, remains unclear. What is clear, is that the legend of Jack has inspired great conversations throughout the decades. And that is exactly what the new bitter India Pale Ale of The Musketeers brewery wants to aspire: talking beer.

Jack’s Precious IPA is a distinctive India Pale Ale: a refreshing and easily drinkable specialty beer with 5.9%. Jack’s Precious IPA is reminiscent of a floral bouquet with a citrus accent. The beer boasts a smooth, fruity and creamy taste, while the floral and spicy hop bitterness is by no means overpowering. Jack’s Precious IPA is pale in colour, with a snow-white head lingering like a silken fringe once savoured.

The flavours of Jack’s Precious IPA were developed with the team of the Gollem specialty beer pubs in Amsterdam and Antwerp, pioneers in introducing the Dutch to Belgian specialty beers. Gollem’s Precious IPA was offered exclusively by the Gollem beer cafes for 2 years, where it has had and still holds the title of ‘IPA of the house’. Make sure to pay them a visit!


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