Hofbräu München Original
Our Classic
Sitting together on long wooden benches, enjoying pretzels and hearty snacks and treats, feeling that Bavarian hospitality and camaraderie, the perfect service donned in smart-looking traditional costume – nearly complete but what absolutely can’t be missing? A liter of Hofbräu Original! Luminous golden yellow with foamy white crown – you can already taste the refreshment: Slightly malty, full-bodied, mature and with an elegant finish. A beer with character for connoisseurs with character.
Taste: fine spicy bouquet, slightly malty, full-bodied, mature and with a fine hoppy aroma – a superbly balanced lager
Es una cerveza clara, dorada, transparente, cristalina, ligera, fresca, suave, menos lupulada que las Pilsen pero con cuerpo, resultando muy refrescante. Tiene una espuma abundante, cremosa, que deja marcas y un aroma franco, con una sutil mezcla entre malta, levaduras y lúpulos, resultando en éste sentido muy equilibrada. En boca es fresca, ligera, suave, con alguna nota de cereal en el inicio.
La Original HB Munchen se ha convertido en uno de los símbolos de la ciudad
Stella Artois
Cerveza de color dorado pálido. De sabor amargo fino. Perfectamente eequilibrada.
Pilsner Urquell
This legendary pale Pilsen lager has become a legend amongst beers, and has created a completely new category of beer (Pils, Pilsner). Neither the recipe nor the brewing process has changed since it was first made in 1842. The skill of the Pilsen brewers has meant that its quality and flavour have stayed the same, too. This is proven by regular laboratory comparisons, the oldest of which dates back to 1897.
The secret behind the taste of this legendary bottom-fermented lager with an alcohol content of 4.4% lies mainly in its premium quality ingredients along with the preservation of the original production process. The beer acquires its characteristic aroma of malt grains and a balanced caramel taste through triple mashing, while the soft Pilsen water lends it a unique delicate taste and the Žatec hops its velvety bitterness. The malt itself gives the beer a golden color.
Cerveza dorada, con cabeza de espuma espesa y cremosa. Seca con un ligero matiz amaderado. Buen aroma, suave, con un acabado limpio sin retrogusto.