Faxe 10% - Extra Strong
Faxe 10% is the best strong beer for the best price. Full and strong value for money.
Faxe 10% is a strong beer with 10% alcohol. The slight sweetness combined with the high alcohol percentage results in a balanced product with a vinous taste. Faxe 10% is free of additives and, unlike other very strong beers, it contains no added alcohol. The high alcohol content is achieved through standard brewing techniques.It is easily drinkable and an excellent alternative to drinks and cocktails.
El agua utilizada en la elaboración de cerveza Faxe proviene de pozos profundos donde las capas de coral y lima proporcionan un sistema de filtración natural y añaden valiosas sales al agua a medida que se extrae del subsuelo. Faxe Extra Strong es una cerveza de estilo Euro Strong Lager.
Faxe Stout is an extraordinary smooth and full strenght stout enjoyment
Faxe Stout belongs among the oldest types of beer. Sometimes referred to as “the milder porter”. This historic beer type is made from barley malt, müncher malt and dark roasted color malt. By reducing the malt and using a portion of raw grain we have accomplished the milder taste. Faxe Stout can be consumed in a long list of occasions. Try drinking it at room temperature for dessert for instance. Developes during storage.
Faxe Stout está entre los mas antiguos tipos de cerveza, a veces referida como una porter mas suave. Este tipo histórico de cerveza se hace a partir de malta de cebada, malta Muncher y malta oscura tostada. Al reducir la malta y usando una parte del grano crudo que produce el sabor mas suave.