Bernard Bohemian Ale
Aroma fresco y afrutado, sabor a limpio a malta, con una pizca de cilantro.
Top fermented special beer with fine yeast
Spice up your day with top fermented special beer Bernard Bohemian Ale. The beer is bottle conditioned. Despite its 8.2 % alcohol has a fresh fruity scent, clean malty flavor with a pinch of spicy coriander and subtle warmth in the aftertaste.
Microbombolla Max Vasper
Strong Pale Ale
Aigua: Aigua mineral del Montseny
Malta: Viena, Pilsner, Munich Light, Caragold, Crystal
LLúpol: Fuggles (UK) [DRY], EK Golding (UK) [DRY], Magnum (US)
Llevat S-04
Irish Moss
IBU 83
EBC 30
Fab: 2015/05/10
Emb: 2015/05/24
Pref: 2016/05/10
Weidmann Super Strong