Balthazar Vintage Recipe Serie
Vintage recipe series:
Dark winter ale brewed with cardamon, ginger, coriander and sugar
Strong Ale belga con coriandro, jengibre y cardamomo.
Troubadour Magma
The amber-coloured specialty beer Troubadour Magma has the aromatic and hoppy-bitter character of an American Indian Pale Ale, but is softened by the fruitiness of a Belgian Tripel. Enthusiasts appreciate the explosion of fruity scents from dry hopping.
Perfect to enjoy on a night out during a sunny spring or autumn day.
Our Troubadour Magma is our showpiece that bowls everyone over. It is a fruity Belgian triple with the bitterness of an IPA, and an explosive aroma of exotic fruit. A match made in heaven, in summer and winter alike. Troubadour Magma is a beer that is making a name for itself!
Troubadour Magma es de color ámbar, cerveza con la amargura de una IPA americana pero equilibrada con la frutosidad de un Triple belga. Disfrute de la explosión de aromas frutales del dry hopping.
Caracole Saxo
Esta fantástica cerveza catalogada como Belgian Strong Ale es de color dorado claro y tiene un intenso sabor a levadura, miel, lúpulo y cítricos con un ligero amargor.