Adnams Jack Brand Innovation
Se trata de una IPA al estilo americano, pero sin renunciar a su alma británica; elaborada con malta de cebada y de trigo, y una afortunada mezcla de lúpulos Boadicea (Reino Unido), Columbus (Eslovenia) y Styrian Goldings (EE.UU.). Su color es anaranjado y no genera una cantidad exagerada de espuma, lo que nos adelanta que no se trata de una cerveza demasiado carbonatada.
Sabores de pomelo, aromas a frutas tropicales con un toque picante y dulce
Anarchy Quiet Riot
Our South Pacific IPA is overflowing with kiwi fruits, lime and orange zest. Sweet malts are balanced against a big bitter bite. Medium in body, oily in texture and delicious in flavour.
Nuestra South Pacific IPA está llena de frutas kiwi, limón y cáscara de naranja. Las maltas dulces se equilibran con un fuerte amargor. Cuerpo medio, untuosa en textura y delicioso sabor.
Robinsons Trooper Hallowed - Iron Maiden Halloweed
Inspired by Belgium, made in England
Hallowed is the fourth beer created by Iron Maiden and hand crafted by Robinsons Brewery.
Hallowed, a new Belgian style beer from Iron maiden & Ronbinsons.
Crystal Rye gives Halloweda blood red hue and a smooth dry finish. The Belgian style yeast we have used in this brew along with Noble hops combine to deliver a complex palate of subtle banana and a sweet plum finish.
A real ale enthusaiast, band vocalist Bruce Dickinson has helped devlop a beer with a true depth of character.
See: Red.
Smell: Delicate floral, hints of vanilla & clove
Taste: Malty, Toffee, Caramel