M31 Belgian Tripel Yeast (10g)
Provides a fantastic complex marriage of spice, fruity esters, phenolics and alcohol. It is also ver ...le for Belgian Tripel and Trappist style beers. Attenuation: Very High Flocculation: Medium Usage Directions: Sprinkle directly on up to 23 L (6 US Gal) of wort. For best results, ferment at 1 ...
Ideal for dry and spicy Belgian-style beers, Fermentis SafAle BE-134 is a typical brewer’s yeast str ...haracter. Produces highly refreshing beers, it is ideal for Belgian-Saison style. it is a very powerful beer yeast with regards to flavour production. It produces several flavour active componen ...
English ale yeast selected for its fast fermentation character and its ability to form a compact sed ...iment at the end of fermentation, helping to improve beer clarity. Recommended for the production of a large range of ale. FERMENTATION: ideally 15-20°C (59-68°F)
WildBrew™ Philly Sour is a unique species of Lachancea selected from nature by University of the Sci ...ces moderate amounts of lactic acid in addition to ethanol in one simple fermentation step. This first yeast in the WildBrew™ series is a great choice for innovative, sessionable sour beers with ...
A white wine strain which enhances volume and intensity for full varietal flavour expression. This m ...ng the natural flavour and aroma characteristics of the grape. Suitable for Chardonnay, Semillon, Muscat, Pinot Gris and more. Alcohol Tolerance: 14% Usage Directions: No rehydration requir ...
Lallemand CBC-1 Cask & Bottle Conditioning Yeast (11g)
LalBrew® CBC-1 has been specifically selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection for its re ...ts beer efficiently due to its high resistance to alcohol and pressure. The flavor is neutral, therefore the original character of the beer is preserved. The yeast will settle and form a tight ma ...
Lallemand Diamond Lager Yeast (11g)
LalBrew® Diamond Lager yeast is a true lager strain originating in Germany. Chosen for its robust ch ...ty to produce clean, authentic lagers. Traditional styles brewed with the Diamond include but are not limited to Munich Helles, Dortmunder Export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pil ...
Lallemand Windsor British-Style Ale Yeast (11g)
LalBrew® Windsor ale yeast is a true English strain that produces a balanced fruity aroma and impart ...ity English ales. Brewers choose LalBrew® Windsor to produce beers that range from Pale Ale to Porter with moderate alcohol levels and the flavor and aroma characteristics of the best traditional ...