Zarautz / Drunken Bros Black Dreams
Colaboración entre Zarautz y Drunken Bros en las instalaciones de Zarautz Beer Company. Se trata de una Imperial Oatmeal Stout elaborada con cacao, pimienta cayena, vainilla y canela.
De Molen Haken & Ogen
Bourbon Barrel Aged
BA Imperial Stout-ish
Potentes sabores a café, chocolate negro, vainilla, licorosa, con notas de madera e intenso amargor.
Rebel King
Imperial Stout
Legends speak of a king so feared by his enemies that they would surrender immediately after he announces war against them. As a symbol of peace they would order their brewers to brew the finest dark ale containing cacao, coffee and vanilla. This was the only way they could persuade the rebel king not to destroy their kingdoms. Sit back in your favourite chair, pour one and say cheers to the Rebel king.
Rebel King pairs best with the dark days of winter.