St. Bernardus Wit - St. Bernardus Blanche - Witbier
StBernardus Wit is a traditional Belgian white beer developed and brewed in collaboration with the legendary Master Brewer Pierre Celis. This ale is very pale (whitish-yellow color) and quite hazy. The head is white and dense. In aroma, it has a wheaty, apple-like, tartness; herbal-spicy notes with coriander and orangey fruitness and honeyish sweetness. Very refreshing: perfect thirst quencher ! (5,5% ABV)
St. Bernardus Watou Triple
Watou Tripel is a traditional abbey ale brewed in the classic "Triple" style of Belgium’s Trappist Monks. This golden pale ale is mellow-sweet with lightly perfumed aromas and some spicy yeast notes. Rich and fruity with a soft mouth feel. (7,0% ABV)
Watou Tripel es una cerveza de abadía tradicional elaborada en el clásico estilo "triple" de los Monjes trapenses de Bélgica. Este pale ale dorada es suave y dulce, con aromas ligeramente perfumadas y algunas notas de levadura picantes. Muy afrutada y suave en boca.