Sierra Nevada y el lúpulo van de la mano. Lo que comenzó como una idea loca garabateada en un pub con el tiempo se convirtió en nuestro nueva bomba de lúpulo para toda la temporada. La Torpedo Extra IPA es una cerveza agresiva aunque equilibrada, con intensos aromas de lúpulo a cítricos, pinos y fruta tropical.
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot
Bigfoot is a beast of a beer, brimming with bold flavors of bittersweet malt and heaps of aggressive whole-cone Pacific Northwest hops. First introduced in the winter of 1983, Bigfoot is a cult-classic beer brewed in the barleywine style, meaning a strong, robust, bruiser of a beer with the refined intensity of a wine. Bigfoot is prized by beer collectors for its supreme cellarability. Under the proper conditions, it can age like a fine wine, developing new flavors and character as it matures in the bottle. Each new release or “expedition” is vintage dated. Collect your own and see the flavors develop and progress.
Es una Barley Wine de color marrón rojizo intenso, con un intenso aroma frutal y un cuerpo denso y contundente. Tiene un sabor complejo, rico e intenso, con un equilibrio soberbio entre la malta con notas a ciruela, chocolate, frutos secos y tostados. De carácter amargo, resinoso y cítrico.
Brut IPA
Bright citrus, dry finish
This is our Brut IPA, a new take on IPA brewed for a bone dry champagne-style finish. Late hop additions give the beer balanced bitterness and a bright pop of citrus flavor. It’s as intriguing as it is drinkable.