Menatime Chocolate Porter
De tono marrón oscuro, opaca, con pequeños brillos ambarinos en los bordes al trasluz. Con carbonatación media y de burbuja grande, se ve coronada con una capa de espuma densa de color crema, de un par de dedos de espesor, y con buena retención.
Muy aromática, desprende un intenso aroma a chocolate negro acompañado de una base de malta tostada. Algo afrutada al mismo tiempo, se detectan notas de frutos oscuros como pasas.
El sabor lo domina el chocolate negro y la malta tostadae. Cerveza de cuerpo medio-alto. Sedosa, cremosa, y muy equilibrada, con el alcohol muy bien integrado, es una cerveza para disfrutar en una sobremesa de forma pausada, para degustarla y disfrutarla con todos los sentidos.
Beavertown Humuloid
This is a powerhouse of a beer. Dense like cloudy apple juice you know this is going to smack you hard with massive slugs of rich, ripe mango and pineapple on the nose and maybe just a hint of shortcrust swaggering around in the background. It weighs in heavy on the palate courtesy of plenty of wheat and oats. Stacks more sticky mango then orchard fruits, apple and crunchy pear finishing with a builders tea like bitterness to pick you up, dust you off and get you ready for another round.
Humuloid is the natural extension of Lupuloid, a double IPA with plenty of wheat and oats for a rich body, and fermented with Vermont yeast to lend it some fruitiness. Low bitterness in the boil, but then dry hopped with 18 g/l of Citra and Azacca for huge hoppy aromatics balancing out the sweetness of the finishing gravity.
Charles Wells Bombardier Burning Gold
Bombardier Burning Gold is one of two sister beers of Wells Bombardier. Inspired by the words of William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’, Wells Bombardier Burning Gold is a tribute to all that is celebrated in English beer. Brewed with the same passion for excellence as the original, Burning Gold is a refreshing golden beer which is enjoyed by ale and lager drinkers.
A precious blend of the finest malts, hops and natural mineral water produces an instantly refreshing beer. Zesty aromas waken the senses, leading to a dry, crisp flavour with more than a hint of citrus on the palate and a smooth lasting finish.